Monday, May 25, 2020

Looks like the crappie in this pond like the Googan Jr. Scout as well. Caught this one a couple weeks ago.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Fishing - Private Pond Bonaire, GA Googan Jr Scout Native Shad

I caught this nice 3 1/2 lb bass while fishing at a private pond at the back of my brother's property in Bonaire, GA. I was using a Googan Jr. Scout in Native Shad color. Below is a link to the lure at Karl's Bait and Tackle.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Online Shopping and Buyer's Clubs

If you are like me, you may buy one or two guns per year. A bulk of your 2A enjoyment spending is spent on ammunition and accessories. If you are only buying a few guns a year, a membership in a buying club may not be worth it, as it doesn't take too long to look all around to see who has the best price on those few guns a year. However, with all the shopping time you spend buying accessories and ammunition you may be tempted to join one of those buying clubs. With all the time I have on my hands with being recently laid off and looking for a job during “The Pandemic of 2020” I figured I would do a little comparison by building the same shopping cart at several sites. I had to substitute some of the ammunition a couple of times with a similar product, as you would expect. My cart consisted of: One CMMG .22LR AR Conversion Kit (1 mag); 1350 Rounds of .22LR; A box of 20 of 30-30 Winchester (150g Core Bonded); A box of 10 CCI .40 S&W Shotshells. (Fishing – Water Moccasin Dispatchers!)

The two buyer's clubs I compared were NGOA (National Gun Owners Association) and Big Daddy Unlimited. For the traditional online storefront comparison, I used Bass Pro, Tombstone Tactical, and Battlehawk Armory. I wanted to use Academy Sports and Outdoors and GrabAGun, however they didn't stock many of the items I was using or their substitutes for the comparison. It is also of note that NGOA says to call them directly for the best pricing when placing an order. However, I just used their advertised member prices. If I wanted to talk to someone I would just get in my Jeep and head to the gun shop. Calling someone on the phone to order merchandise you saw online defeats the purpose of online shopping in my opinion.

Enough with the chit-chat, here are the shopping cart results:

Everyone can make their own minds up. For me, I will just continue to look around for the best deals on accessories and ammunition versus using a monthly buyers club. I concede that this was just a small shopping cart of 4 items and can in no way make a determination as to which business is the best choice for what you need to buy or how often you need to make purchases. This is just my experience and perspective and a leisure read for everyone with extra time on their hands.

Looks like the crappie in this pond like the Googan Jr. Scout as well. Caught this one a couple weeks ago.